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Laboratory of Holly Ernest

Holly Ernest

Holly Ernest

Holly researchingHolly Ernest, DVM, MS, PhD, CSE

Consultant in Wildlife Population Health, Conservation Biology, and Disease Ecology

Based on Vancouver Island, BC Canada

Wildlife Population Ecology, Genetics, Genomics, and Disease Ecology for Conservation and Wildlife Health

Dedicated to providing expertise in:

  • Wildlife sciences for improved animal, ecosystem, and human health.
  • Conservation genomic science, wildlife biology, disease ecology, toward health, conservation, and management of wild animal populations.
  • Educating the next generation of scientists, wildlife biologists, conservation educators, and veterinarians in disease ecology and wildlife genomics
  • Wildlife population health service and information for the public
Holly Ernest, Snowy Range, Wyoming

Holly Ernest, Snowy Range, Wyoming

Holly Ernest CV | LinkedIn


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  • Ph.D. Ecology, with emphasis on Wildlife Genetics and Population Health: University of California, Davis.
  • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM), Cum Laude, Ohio State University.
  • M.S., Ohio State University, Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology.
  • B.Sc., Cornell University, Biology (Animal Science and Biology).

Past Research

Holly Ernest in elk feed grounds

Holly and Graeme, elk feed grounds, Wyoming

Interdisciplinary applied and basic research in genetics, genomics, biology, and disease ecology for wildlife conservation and population health.

View publications. and Google Scholar

  • Free-ranging species of conservation & management concern
  • Threatened and endangered species

Past areas of interest in genetics and genomics for wildlife health and disease ecology: Population Genetics; Molecular DNA to reconstruct pedigrees (family trees) to reveal ecological relationships among individuals, kin groups, populations and disease distributions; Discovery of associations among genetic mechanisms, genetic diversity and evolutionary history and phenotypic diversity (phenotype is the composite of an organism’s observable characteristics or traits). Wildlife Forensic Genetics.

Special interest species: Salish Sea species (forage fish and other intertidal organisms), Mountain Lion, Pronghorn, Bighorn Sheep, Sea Otter, Hummingbirds, ticks, bugs, worms, germs.

Special interest diseases: Avian hemoparasites (blood parasites, such as avian malaria), and others

Special interest regions: BC Canada especially Vancouver Island, The Rocky Mountain West, California and western North America, Canada, global interests

See Research pages

Funding agencies and collaborators across my career

  • Wyoming Department of Fish and Game
  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • Wyoming Wildlife Council
  • Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation
  • Colorado State University
  • Montana State University
  • UC Davis, UC Santa Cruz, UCLA, San Diego State University
  • National Park Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • National Science Foundation
  • Meg and Bert Raynes Fund, Jackson, WY
  • And many others – see my C.V. at top of page for more

Teaching and Education

Holly, Hummingbird field work

Holly, Hummingbird field work

Courses: Undergraduate, Graduate, and Veterinary Student courses developed and taught:

  • University of Wyoming: Genomics of Animal Population Health and Disease
  • University of Wyoming: Conservation Genomics: 3 sections: Graduate Seminar, “Coffee Break Cons Gen”, and Cons Gen Term Project Team. (2016-present during Fall semester)
  • University of Wyoming: Disease Ecology (2016-present)
  • University of California Davis: Ecological Genetics and Genomics: ECL242 / PHR242
  • University of California Davis: Landscape Genetics with GIS (with Dr. Karen Beardsley): PHR298
  • University of California Davis: Population Genetics Data Analysis and Software: ECL290
  • University of California Davis: Molecular Markers for Ecology, Conservation, and Wildlife Population Health: ECL290
  • University of California Davis: Co-leader for Population Health Veterinary Curriculum UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Including Epidemiology, Public Health, Foreign Animal Diseases, Biostatistics, One Health, Ecosystem Health, Population Health. 2012-2014.

Public and University Service (select list of some of my recent activities)

Holly Fine Scale Hummingbird Health Work

Holly examining hummingbird

Recent Projects

Professional Societies and Memberships

Holly in Pinedale, WY

Master Bird Bander Federal U.S. permit (Hummingbirds)


Email: (secondary email: )


Holly BHS botulism

BHS die off in Old Dad Mtns, Mojave Desert. On a very hot Memorial Day Weekend, hiked into scene of 46 dead BHS with John W, and Randy S.

Sierra mule deer captures

Round Valley in eastern Sierra mule deer captures for telemetry and sampling – led “mugging team” – hop out of helicopter after deer netted, prep it for helicoptering back to base camp for radiocollar, data, and sampling, then release.

Holly with deer
Garter snake in lab

Giant Garter Snake from California Central Valley with parasite-caused mass on head. For a season, Holly was veterinarian who anesthetized and implanted radios in abdomens of the gentle threatened water snakes so that wildlife biologists with USGS could track their movements and survivorship, and map their habitats.

xray of snake

X-ray pic of snake’s mass on head.

Holly holding a baby alligator

Holly holding baby alligator for examination by boatload of Envirovet students in Florida.

Holly treating mountain lion

Holly treating and suturing minor cut on paw pad of mountain lion captured and released for telemetry in Redwoods of California in 1990’s.

Holly setting snare in San Andres

Holly setting snare, helping Linda set a paw-safe capture snare in 1990’s for mountain lion ecology study in New Mexico in San Andres Mountain Range. Thank you Linda and Ken for the training and wonderful time learning desert mountain lion ecology.

Keeping mountain lion cool

Keeping desert mountain lion cool while we placed radio collar, took measurements, then released.

Holly's plane
Holly flying plane

Holly is a single-engine airplane pilot since soloing at age of 16. For 40th, “celebrated” by buying 101AC Super Scout (180 hp, tundra tires, variable-pitch prop, awesome bush plane!). Unlike some tail-dragger aircraft, the pilot sits in front (Holly in pic). Favorite flights were with Bruce to Mono Lake, and her Dad to Lake Berryessa. Sold 4 years later to supply down payment on first owned home with Bruce, and the then-new baby.